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We Stock a Range of Benzene Detectors Available for Immediate Weekly Hire

Detects benzene down to 50 ppb (0.05 ppm)
3-second response in VOC mode or 60 seconds in compound-specific mode
Real-time wireless data transmission with built-in Bluetooth and optional RAELink3 portable modem
Extended range up to 10,000 ppm (in VOC mode) with improved linearity
Highly specific readings, combining a 9.8eV UV lamp and RAE-Sep™ benzene tube

Detects benzene down to 50 ppb (0.05 ppm)
Real-time wireless data transmission with built-in Bluetooth and optional
RAELink3 portable modem
Extended range up to 10,000 ppm (in VOC mode) with improved linearity
Highly specific readings, combining a 9.8eV UV lamp and RAE-Sep™ benzene tube
To speak with a member of technical sales team
call us now on 01200 445804 or
alternatively, email us at